Welcome Lifebookers!

This is the NEW and improved Lifebook acting bi-weekly newsletter.
Here you can find Announcements, and share your Wins
and even show you latest reel, movie or youtube spot.

You are welcome to email to lifebooknewsletter@gmail.com

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26th, 2013

LIFETIME Membership Option: 
A couple students were inquiring this week about paying a large sum up front so that they never had to pay Lifebook tuition again. It's a good idea (but I don't know how long I'll offer this option - so if you can afford it and you want it, strike now!) 
The deal: 
Pay for a regular package for 4 years up front (the $225 for one class per week or $295 for 2 classes per week) and you can have it for life! (The entire life of the company - not transferable). Never pay tuition at Lifebook again! Plus with a minimum of a 4 year plus commitment I have the opportunity to bring you significantly beyond the level of your dreams! Time along with strong commitment is a luxury I'd love to have with you! 
So - if you'd like to consider this option - come talk to me. 
(Book a national commercial and come see me!!) 


Allen's  comment after the Commercial Screening Party:
"Tonight was another great example of how powerful and cohesive Lifebook has become. I'm very proud of you guys. It's so wonderful to be a part of such an amazing family of artists. You deserve to be commended not only on the great commercial work you brought in, but how you are a team and within that team you have great leadership that has risen from within. I really was impressed. Lifebook has never, ever, been stronger than it is today. This was our best screening to date! 
Bravo, Lifebook. Thanks for a steady stream of inspiration!"

Our next GUEST SPEAKER is on Friday May the 10th: 
Peter Breitmayer will be guest speaking for the 10:30 am class at 665 N. Heliotrope in LA! Remember - if you are coming - come early as the parking lot fills up (the back half of the main lot) quickly - and then you'll need to use the limited street parking if you don't get a lot spot. BRING A BONUS CLASS if you aren't in Lifebook Fridays!
 - WINs for getting into 30/60 v3: •Kathleen Hayes  •Matt Weinglass  •Marlene Sanchez
- WIN for a personal monologue Tuka Farzadnia in Saturday morning class.


Spec Commercials:
Joleen Nordstom -
Randy Vinneau -

Sahar, Matt & Sarah,Mic & Nik's Major Motion Pics-

Catch up on the latest adventures of Amber and Jewel 
in Part 1 of Episode 3 of "Abstract Underwraps":


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